Sometimes fail read pdf signed using DocuSign, Solution for DocuSign issue.So when I use the pdf2image python import, and pass a multi page PDF into the convert_from_bytes()- or convert_from_path() method, the output array does contain multiple images - but all images are of the last PDF page (whereas I would've expected that each image represented one of the PDF pages).Īny idea on why this would occur? I can't find any solution to this online.A relatively big PDF will use up all your memory and cause the process to be killed (unless you use an output folder).If you want to know the best settings (most settings will be fine anyway) you can clone the project and run python to get timings.PNG format is pretty slow, this is because of the compression.If i/o is your bottleneck, using the JPEG format can lead to significant gains.Using multiple threads can give you some gains but avoid more than 4 as this will cause i/o bottleneck (even on my NVMe SSD!).Otherwise i/o usually becomes the bottleneck. Using an output folder is significantly faster if you are using an SSD.Allow the user to specify poppler's installation path with poppler_path.
single_file parameter allows you to convert the first PDF page only, without adding digits at the end of the output_file.grayscale parameter allows you to convert images to grayscale ( -gray in pdftoppm CLI).size=(500, 500) will resize the image to 500x500 pixels, not preserving aspect ratio.size=(400, None) will make the image 400 pixels wide, preserving aspect ratio.size=400 will fit the image to a 400x400 box, preserving aspect ratio.size parameter allows you to define the shape of the resulting images ( -scale-to in pdftoppm CLI).paths_only parameter will return image paths instead of Image objects, to prevent OOM when converting a big PDF.